Super Recaps: My Little Pony season 5 (Princess Spike)

We’re back with another episode of Syndication is Magic!  After reaching the 100th episode milestone last week (seriously; if this show is huge on a no name channel, imagine how big it’ll be if Cartoon Network picked it up!?) we seem to be heading back into business as usual for the season.  While we have gotten some highlights like the season premiere and the 100th episode, things haven’t been as good as they should be for the series what with a bunch of filler episodes and unrealized potential.  Not only does that have this episode going against it, but it’s another Spike episode which tend to be a mixed bag for me.  Still, the last time he was the focus of the story was the very good Equestria Games, so maybe the writers have figured out how to write this character well and we’ll get another solid episode this time around.  Let’s find out!!

The episode begins in Canterlot where the four princesses are holding a summit for the entirety of Equestria.  I guess that means everyone’s going to put on a good show of peace, get a bunch of photo-ops, eat lots of fancy food, and accomplish absolutely nothing.

“And we shall call it… PonyCon!!”
“And we shall call it… PonyCon!!”

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