Super Recaps: My Little Pony season 5 (Slice of Life) The 100th Episode!!

We’re back from the show’s three week hiatus with the ONE HUNDREDTH episode of the series!  Did anyone think it would get this far?  Well yes actually.  I mean we’ve got two spin-off films and a theatrical movie coming out soon.  This gravy train is gonna keep going until the wheels fall off, and even then they’ll find a way to milk it even further.  Still, it seems like the creators are taking this episode VERY seriously and want to make something that is truly memorable for the fans who have kept this series going for so long.  Is it a well done celebration of the show’s past and a hopeful look at the future, or is it a bad sign of things to come as the show slowly begins to lose relevance and creativity?  Let’s find out!!

The episode begins with Matilda (Hey!  We haven’t seen her for a while!) looking over her scrapbook which has gotten quite a few entries since the last time we saw it.

“He sure is a big ol' ball of sunshine, isn’t he?”
“He sure is a big ol’ ball of sunshine, isn’t he?”

Cranky, living up to his name, storms into their little house and starts complaining about the citizens of Ponyville who seem to be over eager about their wedding which is scheduled for tomorrow.  But wait!  They got the wrong date on the invitations!  The wedding is TODAY!!  WACKINESS!!!  Matilda is all in a tizzy about this and Cranky leaves the cottage to go cuss out the big dummy who wrote the wrong date on the invitations.

DONE!!  *mic drop*
DONE!!  *mic drop*

Oh yeah, not only does Ditsy Doo show up (she’s credited as Muffins and is played by Tabitha St. Germain) but she gets a HUGE chunk of screen time as the focus of one of the many plots in this episode.  In fact, this episode seems to be composed of nothing but fan service to celebrate the show’s one hundredth episode.  Considering they’re starting it off the bat with Ditzy Doo, then all bets are off as to where this can go.  Structure wise, it’s very reminiscent of 22 Short Films about Springfield, though the whole story is a bit more cohesive what with every tangential excursion heading towards the wedding (and the references to 90s movies but we’ll get to that in a second).  By the time The Simpsons did that episode in their seventh season, they had cultivated a unique cast of characters who everyone wanted to see more of and gave them a chance to shine.  This is especially true of MLP which had crafted an interesting new world even before the fans ran wild with it, so the possibilities here are almost endless for well-done cameos and subplots.  So Muffins is all sad about messing up the invitations and is trying to get advice from one of her friends about what to do next.

“Did you try using science?”     “That’s your answer for everything!!”
“Did you try using science?”     “That’s your answer for everything!!”

That’s right!  Next on our list of cameos is Doctor Hooves (credited as Doctor) who takes Muffins to his lab to monologue about science and pretty much ignore everyone around him.  Needless to say they’re not being very subtle about who he’s supposed to be (he even quickly drops the fact that he’s hundreds of years old).  There is one reference though that I think goes well over my head when the Doctor reveals he experienced a tragic event when he was a kid that fueled his quest to be a scientist.  I’m not totally caught up with Doctor Who so the only thing I could think of is the Untempered Schism that they mention in season three, and that seems like a stretch even to me.

Oh, and don’t forget Back to the Future references!!!
Oh, and don’t forget Back to the Future references!!!

After parading Muffins through his lab for no discernible reason other than to set up a plot device for later (flameless fireworks that he can’t figure out how to ignite), he realizes that he needs to get his suit tailored for the wedding later today and just leaves Muffins twisting in the wind.  Aww… What the hell dude?  I thought you were the Doctor, not the Master!  Anyway, he heads straight for Rarity’s boutique (because where the hell else would he go) but finds it closed for the time being.  She’s probably doing something to save somepony through the power of friendship or whatever.  I wonder how much business she loses whenever she’s out hunting dragons or being sent to reeducation camps.  Fortunately for the time lord, Vinyl Scratch just happens to be walking by wearing her presumably magic headphones that don’t appear to be connected to any device and yet are still outputting some serious wubs.  Despite not hearing a word the guy is saying (maybe she’s learned to read lips for just this scenario) she knows exactly what he’s looking for and takes him to the bowling alley.  Confused at first, the Doctor quickly realizes why as the Big Lebowski ponies (told you we’d get back to 90s movies!) show up wearing FABULOUS suits.  I distinctly remember them all wearing TERRIBLE clothes in that movie, but whatever.  The Doctor finds out they make their own clothes and begs them to fix his suit, but they can’t because they’re busy with a bowling tournament.

“WE DON’T SEW ON SHABBOS!”     “I’m pretty sure Shabbos is tomorrow.”     “Shut the fuck up Donny.”
“WE DON’T SEW ON SHABBOS!”     “I’m pretty sure Shabbos is tomorrow.”     “Shut the fuck up Donny.”

The trio decide to help him IF he’s willing to be their fourth member of the team.  Wait, if they were short a player then why did they even show up?  Were they just hoping to find some guy who desperately needed some clothing alterations?  The Doctor is dubious at first (how can a game with so many variables work!?) but eventually capitulates and agrees to play with them.  We cut to outside the bowling alley where the Mane 6 are huddled together for some reason and a crowd has already formed to speculate on what they’re going to do.  Oh look!  The next awesome cameo!!

“Did they say blessed are the cheese makers?”     “I think so.”     “Well does that include other manufactures of dairy products?”
“Did they say blessed are the cheese makers?”     “I think so.”     “Well does that include other manufactures of dairy products?”

Octavia’s appearance here is rather brief and just sets up that she’s playing the music for the wedding and doesn’t have a song ready yet.  Uh… you only have to nail the wedding march.  This isn’t a brain teaser, it’s just memorization.  I’m SURE you can do it.  Well, maybe she won’t get enough practice in because a GIANT BUGBEAR SHOWS UP TO RAMPAGE THROUGH THE TOWN!!!

“What the hell am I doing here!?  Do you want me to make it a dress or something!?”
“What the hell am I doing here!?  Do you want me to make it a dress or something!?”

For those of you who don’t know, a Bugbear is basically like the Boogeyman.  A creature used to frighten disobedient children in some cultures, though they USUALLY aren’t depicted as literally a bug crossed with a bear.  While the Mane 6 are fighting for the fate of Ponyville, Matilda is still worried about the wedding and is trying to gather up whichever random ponies she can to keep it from becoming a total disaster.  Muffins eventually runs into her and Matilda enlists her to get the flowers while she gets her hair done at the spa.  Of course, she has no luck there either.

“You need them AHEAD of schedule!?  WHAT KIND OF MADNESS IS THIS!?!?!?!?”
“You need them AHEAD of schedule!?  WHAT KIND OF MADNESS IS THIS!?!?!?!?”

Okay, so Muffins isn’t getting much done and Matilda is probably gonna stress herself into a heart attack.  That doesn’t mean that EVERYTHING is going wrong though!  Lyra and Bon Bon are the ones in charge of setting up the town hall which is where the wedding is supposed to take place and they seem to be doing a bang up job.  What, no church of Celestia?  Oh, and the writers take FULL advantage of how these characters are seen in the fandom.

“It’s so great having a BEST FRIEND like you Lyra!”     “Yeah!  We know SO MUCH about each other because we’re BEST FRIENDS!”
“It’s so great having a BEST FRIEND like you Lyra!”     “Yeah!  We know SO MUCH about each other because we’re BEST FRIENDS!”

It’s actually a bit surprising to see them go THAT overt with the possible relationship between the two.  It’s up there with the Korrasami ending, though played more for laughs than in that example.  Hell, I’ll take it.  Keep pushing that envelope!  All is not good in the world of best friend horses though because Bon Bon completely loses it when she finds out that the Bugbear is in town.  Apparently Bon Bon is a secret agent (real name Sweetie Drops just so the show can be THAT much cleverer) who was part of an anti-monster task force in Canterlot before they disbanded once the Bugbear got loose.  Wait, wouldn’t that be the ONE TIME you want an anti-monster agency around?  For some reason they had to close up shop (Celestia needed complete deniability for something) and they all lead new lives in different cities just because this ONE dude got away from them.

“I had to fake my own death, leave my friends behind, and kill what remained of my family, and yet it was all for naught because that unstoppable monster was still able to track me down.”     “Well actually, those ponies seem to be taking care of it just fine.”     “Wait, what?”
“I had to fake my own death, leave my friends behind, and kill what remained of my family, and yet it was all for naught because that unstoppable monster was still able to track me down.”     “Well actually, those ponies seem to be taking care of it just fine.”     “Wait, what?”

I think this requires MUCH more explanation.  Granted, everything in this episodes needs a decent follow up episode, but Bon Bon being a secret agent in hiding (which is an ingeniously clever way to explain the various random appearances of her in crowds) is absolutely amazing and I want to see much more of it.  Unfortunately we don’t get more of her backstory but we do get more of the Doctor which is always nice!  It’s the final frame of the game and the Doctor has a seven ten split.  If he can knock down both pins, they win the game.  I’m sure a first time player can pull that off.

I see he’s using the Flintstones technique.  Not always a winning move, but definitely high in comedic potential.
I see he’s using the Flintstones technique.  Not always a winning move, but definitely high in comedic potential.

Muffins bursts in and ruins the game but that’s of secondary concern when she tells him that she’s gonna use his FIREWORKS as replacements for FLOWERS.  Wait, she’s gonna put potentially explosive materials right next to the bride and groom!?  The Doctor knows what could happen if something were to trigger the flameless fireworks, so he goes after her to hopefully prevent a wedding massacre.  That might be a Sisyphean task however considering Matilda is wound up to the point of causing mass slaughter herself if things get any more hectic.  At the spa though, she has a chance to relax as she finds Cranky’s best beast preparing for the wedding as well.

“He didn’t tell me his best friend was… uh…”     “A sea monster?”     “Yeah.  That too.”
“He didn’t tell me his best friend was… uh…”     “A sea monster?”     “Yeah.  That too.”

For an episode as high energy and hectic as this one, it’s nice to have a scene that kind of slows everything down long enough so that when things go nuts again, it will at least have a bit of impact.  Matilda’s been great throughout the little moments she’s had in this episode and having a couple minutes here for her to take a breather and remember why any of this is important is a great way to give us some emotional investment in the upcoming wedding.  That is until Stephen Magnet turns out to be a HUGE dick for seemingly no reason.  When she comes to the conclusion that the her and Cranky getting married is much more important than the wedding, Stephen sets her straight and tells her that NOTHING is more important and that she needs to get back into panic mode RIGHT NOW!!

“I mean, I GUESS if you wanted ponies to hate your guts you could relax.  It’s not like they gave up their precious time for no other reason than to make you happy.  Oh no wait, they did.”
“I mean, I GUESS if you wanted ponies to hate your guts you could relax.  It’s not like they gave up their precious time for no other reason than to make you happy.  Oh no wait, they did.”

This seems like a REALLY odd turn for the episode to take.  I guess it might be a joke on the whole “learn an obvious lesson” thing that happens in almost every episode, but it still feels pointlessly mean of the guy to lay it out for her like that.  What does she get by being completely stressed out?  Is it going to be a better wedding if the bride is a mess but the streamers are up correctly?  They cut to commercial right after he says that so I guess it’s to keep the audience hanging during those three minutes, but it feels unnecessary and only there because they couldn’t think of a better way to pace the episode out to fit with the commercial breaks.  When the show comes back, we’re at Octavia and Vinyl’s place which looks like something out of a Batman comic.

Are they leasing the place from Two-Face or something?
Are they leasing the place from Two-Face or something?

This is by far the most fan service-y and imaginative portion of the episode.  It’s an official and canonized version of the countless pieces of fan art, fan music, and fan fiction which depicts the two of the jamming out, but that’s not the only thing that makes this scene special.  It’d be one thing if the show was just copying something that had already been done in the fandom several times at this point, but the artistry involved and subtle character moments in this makes it easily the highlight of an episode that’s already amazing.

“I’m pretty sure this is gonna work!!!”
“I’m pretty sure this is gonna work!!!”

It doesn’t stop there though.  Octavia realizes she’s going to be late and the two of them hop on the plot convenience wub-mobile that somehow manages to grab everyone in town along the way.

Wasn’t this a vehicle in the new Mad Max!?
Wasn’t this a vehicle in the new Mad Max!?

The madness doesn’t stop there though.  Oh no.  There’s still ONE more bit of fan insanity they had to throw in.

“You thought you’d seen the last of ME!?  HA!!  NOW FEEL MY VENGEANCE!!!”
“You thought you’d seen the last of ME!?  HA!!  NOW FEEL MY VENGEANCE!!!”


“Does not having a Cutie Mark mean I have free will, or does it mean I don’t have a place in the universe?  I wonder what Pinkie is gonna feed me for dinner.  It’ll probably be covered in frosting.”
“Does not having a Cutie Mark mean I have free will, or does it mean I don’t have a place in the universe?  I wonder what Pinkie is gonna feed me for dinner.  It’ll probably be covered in frosting.”

The ponies that fly through the air with the greatest of ease all somehow make it through the windows of the town hall and land in their chairs, ready to begin the ceremony and without questioning anything that had just happened.  The wedding can finally begin soon now that everyone is there and everything is ready.  Well… ALMOST everyone is there.


Before the ceremony begins, we get to see Celestia and Luna bicker about forgetting the wedding gift, Lyra and Bon Bon make up for their argument earlier about keeping secrets, and Shining Armor once again losing it at a big public event.

“Honey, that’s not the bride.  That’s just the flower girl.”
“Honey, that’s not the bride.  That’s just the flower girl.”

The wedding ceremony is about to begin and everyone takes their seats.  It looks like TWO ponies in particular aren’t too happy with their seating arrangement at the moment.

“I’m not talking to you.”     “Well you just did.  Besides, I was not talking to you first.”
“I’m not talking to you.”     “Well you just did.  Besides, I was not talking to you first.”

Wow.  I’m sure a Windigo would get the chills sitting between those two.  I actually really like that they’ve started to humanize (or pony-ize I guess) the Alicorn Princesses.  I understand that at least in Celestia’s case that she’s SUPPOSED to be a neigh untouchable and perfect goddess mother figure, but they’ve started to turn that around in other places (the () arc in the comics is a great example) and it’s starting to spread to the show as well.  The two of them are fascinating just based on their role in this world, so giving them some relatable characterization (being pissed as a sibling) can only make them that much more interesting.  Anyway, the wedding goes off without a hitch and Cranky and Matilda finally get to tie the knot.  While sharing their kiss, their love I guess radiates throughout the room and it turns out that LOVE is the key to setting off those flameless fireworks that have been hanging over the episode like a brightly colored and flashy Sword of Damocles.   Don’t worry though.  Fireworks aren’t all that dangerous, so all it does is make this wedding all the more magical!

“I am SO happy those didn’t get anyone killed!  NOT getting sued today!!!”
“I am SO happy those didn’t get anyone killed!  NOT getting sued today!!!”

While everyone inside is celebrating the now happy couple, the Mane 6 are crowding around a nearby window so they can witness it as best they can.  And so the episode ends with Twilight waxing nostalgic about the wonderful town she lives in, all the ponies that make it great, and the many memories that have been made and will be made.

“We’re gonna be best friends for at least a hundred more episodes, right!?”
“We’re gonna be best friends for at least a hundred more episodes, right!?”

WOW was this episode great.  To get the obvious stuff out of the way, yes it was awesome to see so many references to movies, fan canon, and previous episodes.  I enjoyed seeing them finally give characters like Lyra, Bon Bon, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, and Muffins some extended screen time and great characterization that lines up with what fans have wanted from these characters.  There’s a sense of payoff when something you really like finally gets a chance at the spotlight, and this episode does a masterful job of bringing it all together.  I’ve never been much of a comic book fan (at least super hero comics) but I imagine it’s similar to when a Guardians of the Galaxy reader got to see Star Lord on the big screen, or when Robert Downey Jr played Iron Man as well as he did.  Even with the stuff that doesn’t tie directly to fan canon and simply refers to things we’ve seen in the show before works really well.  I though the subplot with the Lebowski ponies (while a bit anemic what with Walter and Donny not having any lines) was a great little addition and gave the Doctor a chance to do something that’s outside his comfort zone with rather humorous results.  Even if we take away the stuff that is there to get fans to squeal with glee, the episode does work on its own.  Season five, with the exception of the spectacular season premiere, has been operating at about 85%, which is a bit of a shame considering where the show COULD be going at this point but doesn’t seem to want to.  I started to resign myself to thinking that the creators didn’t have an interest in exploring those aspects and that my expectations that they would were unfounded.  Here though?  There is almost nothing that isn’t firing on all cylinders.  The show is moving at a nearly flawless pace with new things showing up every couple of minutes, and the individual scenes go the extra distance to make everything as memorable as possible (an example would be looking inside the Doctor’s mind as he tries to figure out bowling)!  Are there flaws?  Sure.  I think some of the scenes are a bit underdeveloped (though with the running time, not much more could be done) and the scene with Stephen Magnet in the spa almost stops the episode dead in its tracks.  Fortunately, that scene is the last one before the explosive finale which brings everything together into a five minute stretch of non-stop excitement and imagination.  The fireworks thing was a weird tangent (why would Muffins use fireworks to replace flowers?) and the ultimate conclusion there was a bit sappy.  It’s a wedding though, so you can usually get away with sappiness in that situation.  This episode was just a joy to watch and is definitely one of the best of the series so far.  My only concern is that this is clearly an event episode and it’s almost certain that things will slow down significantly after this.  That’s okay I guess, as long as the show can remember to keep things creative and to not do the same things over and over again.  The writers need to continue to use the immensely likable cast to its fullest instead of always focusing on the same ponies overcoming the same problems again and again.  It’s one thing if the show can’t keep up with the sheer spectacle and scale of an episode like this every week, but I just hope that the smaller episodes to come don’t go back to the 85% we were getting for most of this season.  They may have knocked it out of the park here, but I don’t want that to be an excuse for the rest of the season to rest on its laurels.  Until we find out if that’s the case, rest assure that episode 100 is a total blast and further proof that the incredibly talented creators of this show still know what the heck they are doing!


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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Season 5

8 thoughts on “Super Recaps: My Little Pony season 5 (Slice of Life) The 100th Episode!!

  1. I have a confession to make: I’m never particularly excited whenever this or that TV show gets to 100 episodes (or some other kind of supposed landmark). Now, from a production standpoint, I guess it does warrant some kind of celebration as a testament of the combined work of a creative team over several years (and guaranteeing steady jobs for everyone involved). But the idea the the 100th epiosde of a show is obligated to be some kind of major event never quite made sense to me. I mean, if a team has this really crazy or novel concept they wanna try out, why do they have to wait for a specific number of episode to do it?
    While decisions about what happens when a given TV show reaches 100 episodes and decides to make it an event vary on a case-by-case basis, it’ll usually involve either some kind of radical new development or just throw a big party for itself, such as looking back at what has been accomplished so far by bringing up a lot of what’s happened before or bringing back characters from the past (although no one really likes clip shows). Speaking for myself, I’ve never considered longevity to be a particularly good tool for measuring the impact a show (or whatever other series) has had or what makes it so meaningful, especially when celebrating anniversaries feels much more symbolic and formal. THese events feel like they’re celebrating an arbitrary number of episodes that pretty much everyone agreed is the “best” for clebrating longevity (No one gets as excited for 200 episodes). Just to name a few examples of how longevity is kind of irrelevant:
    When The Simpsons got to 100 episodes, it was about how Principal Skinner got fired, went back to the military, and got his original job back by the end of the episode.
    Firefly is one of the biggest cult hits of recent memory, yet it didn’t even air a single full season during its original run on FOX.
    Avatar: The Last Airbender didn’t make it to 100 episodes. Neither did Legend of Korra.
    Archer is on its way to a 7th season yet it’s still hasn’t capped 100 episodes.
    Rick and Morty, despite having only aired 1 season (11 episodes) so far, is already being called one of the great modern works of science fiction.
    Both Futurama and Family Guy had ok ratings during their original runs, but thanks to DVD (and Adult Swim) the demand for boths shows grew and they eventually made a comeback.
    Avengers #200 is largely considered one of the worst comic books ever.
    Smallville, despite being a sort-of punching bag and symbol of pop culture vandalism among geek-centric circles, found an audience on The CW that kept it on the air for 10 seasons.

    Which brings me to my next confession: I’ve never been particularly invested in MLP’s fan canon and background characters. I’ve appreciated some bits of it here and there but they’ve never been a defining factor of my appreciation of this show for me. Which is why I was never hanging on the edge of my seat waiting for this episode to arrive and why I was *definitely* not looking forward to getting instantly tired of the discussion surrounding the episode where some fans condemn it for being fan service and others celebrate precisely for being fan service.



      1. I thought it was like 65 episodes. At least that’s how it was for Disney shows during the Michael Eisner years.


  2. Short version: I didn’t hate it, but it’s not for me.
    Longer Version:
    -The episode set the stage rather poorly. When the stinger right before the opening turned out to be one of the most memetic things to ever come out of the fandom (and that’s supposed to be the punchline), I had to pause the episode and walk away for a few seconds. I guess Muffins (Derpy) was fine, though I probably would’ve sympathized with her more if the episode didn’t hint at the fact that if she messes up, it’s less because it was an accident and more because….well, she has a short attention span.
    -I liked The Doctor the most. Not only does he get some of the funnier lines in the episode, but Peter New’s performance was pretty terrific and did a better job than what he was probably asked to do. I’m glad that references to his origins and what his deal is were kept at arms’ length.
    -The Dude was also great. No need for a second opinion.
    -I want- no, I demand- a tumblr, twitter, whatever about Gummy’s inner monologues.
    -Lyra and BonBon’s story was just….weird. It makes the episode completely sidetrack from the wedding plot and has no real payoff. I was expecting to see BonBon do, you know, secret agent type stuff, but the episode drops her story and doesn’t bring it back until it’s time for her and Lyra to make up.
    -What about that random little Changeling? Has he defected from the Chrysalis’ side? That’s a story right there. I guess it just came to the wedding for the free food.
    -Watching the royal sisters bicker is definitely the most sisterly thing we’ve seen them do and it’s something the show should do more of. Too bad they introduce this subplot almost at the very end. I would’ve loved to see an entire episode centered around these two being sisters.
    -I thought having a sassy sea serpent for a friend was supposed to be more fun (Though seriously, Lee Tockar’s performance was pretty great).
    – Overall, a lot of the shoutouts and cameos are very…expected. I mean, it’s not exactly mind blowing that Muffins is a clutz, or that Vinyl and Octavia actually get along, or that Lyra and Bon Bon are “best friends”. It feels that a lot of the enthusiasm from people who liked the episode comes from the episode confirming within the show that all these memes and backstory for characters they’ve created are for real, which must be very satisfying if you’ve been particularly invested in it and contributed to it in some way, but as I’ve already mentioned, that’s not me.
    You can probably tell from the block of text above that there’s several things I wished the episode would’ve focused more on instead.


    1. I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING!! What was that guy’s story, and how the heck did he know Cranky or Matilda!? I’m surprised Celestia didn’t squash that bug!


  3. From what I can tell, whether or not you enjoy this episode seems to depend on how much you care about pony fanon, but I seem to be an exception to that. I actually didn’t care much for Vinyl and Octavia, or the Doctor Whooves stuff, or Derpy, oreven all that much for Bon Bon and Lyra. Despite that, I actually found myself rather enjoying this episode, perhaps primarily for the reason that it’s just so damn weird.

    Right after watching it, I had no idea what I’d just watched. I still find it kinda tough to get a grip on when looked at as a whole, but when I break it down into individual bits, I find I really, really liked the majority of them. Derpy (that is, Muffins) still doesn’t do too much for me, but I found the Doctor fairly entertaining despite understanding very few of the Doctor Who references thrown out. The Big Lebowski stuff was fun too, and I was really surprised to see those ponies appearing again. Even Steven Magnet’s appearance was something I found more amusing than anything.

    The Lyra/Bon Bon thing pushed them from “yeah, they’re totally a thing” to “OTP OTP OTP OTP” for me, but I kinda wish they’d just stated it outright, because I’ve seen so many people insist on the best friends angle with no quotation marks. I really didn’t know that so many people hated shipping so much. I don’t know what the reactions to the Korra ending were from the alleged fundie moms, but I just have a feeling that the writers shouldn’t have been afraid to make LyraBon canon. Still, I really did love that scene, if only because it was so strange and different.

    The thing I found most amusing about Scratch and Octavia is how their house is clearly made for both of them to live there permanently. I can only think of so many reasons for two mostly unrelated ponies to have that sort of permanent co-living arrangement. In any case, I love that Octavia and Vinyl weren’t shown being annoyed by each other’s music or anything, and weren’t the dumb one-note joke personalities that they’re often shown as in the fandom. It felt like they had actual creative synergy, and I really loved that. I also loved how much energy the scene with the speaker vehicle had. At that point, I just gave up and decided to go with it all.

    I sure hope that Celestia and Luna’s appearance here doesn’t mean that the writers consider them unimportant side characters, because I REALLY want to see them get an episode. I’m so glad that they’re at least getting more personality, because I think they have the potential to be very fun and interesting characters if the writers would just do something neat with them. If this is the closest we get to a princess sisters episode, I’ll be disappointed.

    Not only were Cadance and Shining Armour in the same room (something that never happened in S4), we actually saw them snuggling. That was just a little thing that made me really happy.

    I kinda feel like the mane six were just shoehorned in there, though. I wish they’d either had a little more relevance or had barely been in the episode at all.

    I’m not sure if I would have liked this episode quite as much in season 2, but in season 5, I’m starved for ANYTHING different. Most of S5 has felt like a more ambitious season 4, and I didn’t like season 4 much. Anyways, this felt like a much-needed breath of fresh air, and while I’m hoping that this is the kick-in-the-shins the crew needed to start making the show fresh and exciting again, I’m not really convinced. I feel it’s gonna go back to all the stuff that makes me feel this show has gotten stagnant.

    If nothing else, I’m glad that this episode’s at least fun. Fan service shouldn’t be what the writers focus on, but they really need to let loose more often.

    Well, this got kinda grumpy. In any case, I liked the episode. Probably one of my preferred ones this season, but I’m not sure I agree with the people calling it OMG BEST THING EVER. Maybe too many references for that, or something. I dunno, I had fun.


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